Tag Archives: America

Be here now. Repeat.

Good morning, fellow Earthlings,
Two sayings favored while raising my kids have never been more appropriate than this morning:
Sometimes everything falls apart so better things can come together.
When people are the hardest to love is when they need love the most.
Pick yourself up…
dust yourself off…
take a breath…
turn and face today as the best version of you that can be mustered….
and continue on.
Continue to spread love and light in this world…every day…one moment at a time.
Refuse to engage in a fearful, hateful mentality.
Don’t bite the hook.
Look every day for the opportunity to piece back together what is worth fixing. Seek to let go of that which is better off falling away.
Then repeat. Again.
I/you/we ALWAYS have control of our actions. We always have a choice as to where we put our energy.
The suffering comes from looking back and wishing things had been different…or looking forward and worrying what is to come.
Life happens in the now, folks.
Stay present.
Stay conscious.
Stay grateful for all there is to be grateful for (which is always more than not).
Stay loving.  Hunker down in the place of love.
Give it, receive it, seek it out, feel it…let it flow free.
Toss it in the direction of those who are clearly lacking. Love can’t help but grow.
Love will win.
LOVE ALWAYS WINS….and so it goes.